Marie Solome Vocational Training Institute

School Profile

School Information

  • It is a catholic founded school under Kampala Archdiocese and currently under the administration of the Daughters of Mary Sisters, Bwanda.
    • Registration Number: UVQF/341/10/16
    • Principal: Rev. Sr. Vicensia Nankya
    • Phone: 0752410303 / 0787950524

    Fees Structure:

    • Boarding: 500,000 UGX

    • Day: 300,000 UGX

    Historical Background:

    • Founder: Rev. Sr. Lise Alarie (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa) and Rev. Fr. Ssengendo Charles

    • First Principal: Rev. Sr. Ishemerirwe Proscovia

    School Vision: To empower both rural and urban communities with the skills and leadership necessary to propel the nation to new heights.

    School Mission: To educate and prepare religious and Christian leaders dedicated to serving and uplifting people at the grassroots level in both rural and urban areas.

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Student Population


Year of Establishment

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Join us to experience self-reliance and become a responsible citizen.

Why you should join Marie Solome Vocational

What Makes Us Exceptional

Maria Salome Leadership Vocational Training Centre Ndeeba is an Institutional Centre built on the pillars of supporting the girl child and it precincts to achieve a moderate standard of living through the provision of vocational skills aimed at improving community livelihood, especially the girl child.

Catering and Hotel Management
2 Years

This course equips students with essential skills and pratical experience in hospitality, food service, and event planning.

Tailoring, Fashion and Designing
2 Years

This course empowers students with creativity and technical skills in garment construction and fashion design.

Hair dressing and Cosmetology
2 years

Thiis course provides students with comprehensive training in hair care, styling, and beauty treatments. This course includes an exclusive 1 year practical experience.
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Open Hours:
Mon-Sat 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM