
Novena y’Abajulizi etandika

The Novena y’Abajulizi, also known as the Uganda Martyrs Novena, begins on May 25th and concludes on June 3rd2. This novena is a period of nine days of prayer and reflection in honor of the Uganda Martyrs, who were killed for their faith in the late 19th century. The novena includes specific prayers and intentions […]

Catechists Pilgrimage to Munyonyo & Jubilee

The Catechists Pilgrimage to Munyonyo is a significant event where catechists and school teachers gather at the Munyonyo Martyrs Shrine to honor the Uganda Martyrs, particularly St. Andrew Kaggwa, the patron of catechists. This pilgrimage includes prayers, reflections, and activities that celebrate the dedication and service of catechists in spreading the faith. The Jubilee aspect […]


Ascension Sunday is celebrated on the Sunday following Ascension Thursday, which occurs 40 days after Easter. This day commemorates the Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven, as described in the New Testament. It is a significant event in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the end of Jesus' earthly ministry and his exaltation to the right […]